Nigeria Key Populations Health and Rights Network (the ‘Key Populations Secretariat’)

Call for Nominations
Interim National Steering Committee
The Nigeria Key
Populations Health and Rights Network (NKPHRN), also know as the Key
Populations Secretariat, has embarked on a process of institutional
strengthening and renewal. The expected
result is a vibrant, inclusive and transparent Network that continues to lead
and coordinate on share priorities for key populations in Nigeria. This process is supported by the Network’s
partners and allies, which include the Nigeria Country Coordination Mechanism
(CCM), the National Agency for the Control of Malaria ,UNDP and UNAIDS
representing the United Nations , the United States President’s Emergency Plan
for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria, among others.To guide the
renewal process, an Institutional Strengthening and Renewal Plan has been
developed that addresses opportunities for change and renewal for the Network,
including leadership and governance, membership, state-level coordination, and
operations. The plan also includes the
development of a revised Constitution, revisions to the membership criteria and
membership processes, strengthening of state level structures, and support for
a process of leadership transition.
This last component includes the establishment of an Interim Steering
Committee to replace the current Core Group. The Committee will oversee the implementation
of the Institutional Strengthening and Renewal Plan as well as to continue to
guide the Network while the important changes to its structure and processes
are undertaken. The mandate of the
Committee will end after six months when a new National Steering Committee is
elected according to the new Constitution.2. Role of the Interim National Steering Committee
The Committee
will be in place from December 2022 to June 2023. During this time, the Committee will
undertake the following:a)
To provide a coordinated
leadership platform for key population constituencies in Nigeria on an interim
basis while the NKPHRN completes the institutional strengthening process.b)
To guide and monitor the
implementation of the Institutional Strengthening and Renewal Plan according to
the indicators and milestones it contains.
To guide the development of a
revised Constitution for the Network on behalf of key population constituencies
in Nigeria.d)
To continue to ensure that the
voices of key populations, in all their diversity, are present and heard in key
national and state level processes throughout the interim period.e)
To establish and maintain
timely and effective mechanisms for two-way communications (from the Committee
to networks and constituencies, and from the networks to the Committee)
throughout the process of change and renewal.f)
To support the planning and
coordination of the first annual meeting of the renewed NKPHRN to take place no
later than six months from the time that the Interim Steering Committee is
To guide the planning and
implementation of the election process for the new National Steering Committee
as defined in the revised Constitution.3. Composition of the Interim National Steering Committee
The Committee
will be made up of twelve (12) members, three (3) each from the following key
population typologies: gay, bisexual and
other men having sex with men; transgender persons; sex workers; and people who
use or inject drugs. The members will
also reflect ‘diversity within diversity’ across the main typologies (KPs
living with HIV, KPs living with disabilities, etc.).At its first
meeting, members of the Committee will select from amongst themselves a
Chairperson and three Co-Chairs. The
selection of Chairperson and Co-Chairs will reflect the four typologies
represented on the Committee.4. Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members
The role and responsibilities of Committee
members will be:To advocate for and represent the collective,
national interest of all key populations typologies during the process of
strengthening and renewal for the NKPHRN;§ To serve the national interest of key populations in Nigeria and not
to use their position on the Interim National Steering Committee to advance their
personal interests or the position of their respective networks;§ To actively contribute to the mandate of the Committee and the
processes of institutional strengthening and renewal;§ To ensure two-way communication between the work of the Committee
and the networks and broader constituencies of key populations that the members
represent.5. Term of Office
Individuals will
serve on the Interim National Steering Committee for a maximum of six months until
the new National Steering Committee is elected.6. Qualifications and Eligibility Criteria
Individuals who
are nominated to the Interim National Steering Committee should have some or
all of the following qualifications or experience:§ A track record of advocacy and engagement at the national level on
key populations priorities in Nigeria;§ Experience managing or leading key-population-led networks or
organisations at the regional or national level;§ Knowledge and experience with organisational structures at the
governance and operations level (develop constitutions, governance manuals,
strategic or operational plans, for example);§ Strong individual technical capacities aligned to the priorities
for institutional strengthening and
renewal;§ Strong skills in communications, consultation, and
consensus-building;§ Comprehensive knowledge of issues and priorities for key populations
in Nigeria.Members of the
current Core Group of the KP Secretariat are not eligible to be
nominated.Interim National
Steering Committee will not be eligible for election to the first new
National Steering Committee. They may,
however, stand in a subsequent election.7. Selection and Appointment Process
interested to be a member of the Interim National Steering Committee should be
nominated by their networks, organisations or constituencies. Individuals may nominate themselves provided
that meeting the above qualifications and experience.Individuals
interested to be nominated must submit 1) a short letter of motivation, 2) a
detailed curriculum vitae. A letter of
support from a relevant network or constituency is highly recommended but not
required.All nominations
will be reviewed by the Functional Review Working Group with the support of the
two independent consultants that have prepared the Institutional Strengthening
and Renewal Plan.The Functional
Review Working Group will propose a slate of candidates for endorsement at the
Third Engagement Workshop for the Institutional Strengthening and Renewal of
the KP Secretariat to be convened December 7-9 in Lagos.Nominations should be submitted to [email protected] by 17h00 Abuja time on Friday, December 2,
2022. Incomplete
submissions will not be considered.For further information, please contact Russell
Armstong ([email protected]), George Elowa ([email protected]) or Ibrahim Tajudeen Olaita ([email protected]).