NACA Strengthens HIV Monitoring & Evaluation in the South West Zone: A Successful First Quarter TWG Meeting

The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), in collaboration with the National AIDS and STIs Control Programme (NASCP) and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), successfully convened the First Quarter 2024 National HIV Monitoring & Evaluation Technical Working Group (M&E TWG) meeting. Held from April 1st to 3rd at the Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, the well-attended event brought together M&E experts from NACA, NASCP, PEPFAR, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the government, UN agencies, implementing partners, and State AIDS Control Agencies (SACAs) from all six states within the South West zone.

The meeting served as a critical platform for collaboration and progress in Nigeria’s national HIV monitoring and evaluation efforts. Key achievements included:


  • Revision and Adoption of Updated Terms of Reference: the TWG participants collaboratively reviewed and adopted a revised set of Terms of Reference, ensuring its continued effectiveness in guiding the national HIV M&E strategy.
  • Establishment of Sub-Committees: the TWG established new sub-committees. These sub-committees will delve deeper into specific areas of M&E, fostering stronger partnerships and greater collaboration among stakeholders. This enhanced structure will allow for a more comprehensive and efficient approach to HIV data collection, analysis, and utilization.
  • Getting the Data Right: A core emphasis throughout the meeting was placed on ensuring the accuracy and completeness of HIV data. Open discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions focused on best practices for data collection, management, and reporting. This renewed commitment to data quality will be instrumental in informing effective decision-making for the national HIV response.

The successful outcome of the First Quarter TWG meeting signifies NACA’s unwavering commitment to strengthening HIV monitoring and evaluation in Nigeria. The revised Terms of Reference, establishment of sub-committees, and focus on data quality all contribute to a more robust and collaborative M&E system. This, in turn, will empower stakeholders at all levels to make data-driven decisions that will ultimately lead to a more effective national HIV response and improved health outcomes for all Nigerians.

#NACA #NASCP #PEPFAR #StrongerPartnerships #GettingTheDataRight #HIVMonitoring #Nigeria