Engagement of the Civil Society Organization network

In Abuja on the 26th July 2021, an official flagship meeting held and introduced the project to civil society organizations (CSOs) network related to the HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis programmes; The Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), Civil Society for Malaria Control, Immunization and Nutrition (ACOMIN) and Civil Society for the Eradication of Tuberculosis in Nigeria (TB Network).
Through the community systems strengthening component of the project, communities will be strengthened to monitor project implementation and ensure transparency and accountability in project implementation. The National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA) assured the networks of their support and good partnership. On their part, the networks pledged to work closely with NACA and NPHCDA to ensure the success of the project.
This is a positive move towards ownership of the project by communities- an important lever in the drive for sustainable and quality health care for all.