Engagement of Consultants for the End-term Review of the National Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021

Grade: Consultant
The National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP 2017 – 2021) was developed under the overall leadership of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) through an elaborate collaborative and participatory process involving all stakeholders including public sector, private sector, civil society (including Community Based Organisations and Faith based Organisations), People Living with HIV, multilateral and bilateral partners and academia. The plan developed was geared towards Fast-tracking the national response towards ending HIV/AIDS in Nigeria by 2030, therefore having AIDS-free Nigeria with zero new infection and zero AIDS related discrimination and stigma.
The key HIV/AIDS thematic areas of the NSP 2017-2021 are:
Prevention of HIV among General and Key Population.
HIV Testing Services
Elimination of Mother-to-child transmission of HIV (eMTCT)
HIV Treatment; and
Care, Support and Adherence
These thematic areas are underpinned by a number of cross-cutting issues and programme enablers. They are:
Gender and Human rights
Policy, Advocacy and resource mobilization
Health system and Community system strengthening; and service integration
Coordination and Institutional arrangement
Monitoring and Evaluation; and
Leadership, ownership and sustainability.
Subsequent to development of the NSP, NACA in collaboration with the partners had supported the 36+1 states to develop State Strategic Plans for the same period (2017-2021). The plans both at national and State levels make provision for an end-term review and final assessment.
The national response is nested in a changing context with a complex, dynamic and multi-sectoral environment with a diversity and multiplicity of approaches and inputs across a whole range of sectors. The NSP reached its endpoint in 2021 and during the development stage, stakeholders agreed that an end term review will be conducted to review national response achievements, challenges, emerging issues and lessons learned.
Within the lifespan of the National Strategic Plan, several notable events occurred which provided more evidence for the HIV Response as well as change the way the Agency coordinated the HIV response in Nigeria. Some of such notable events include the NAIIS 2018, Programme alignment, Key Population Size Estimate (KPSE 2018) IBBSS 2020, Mode of Transmission (MOT) Study 2020, Prison Study 2019, DHIS, CLM report, the Needle Syringe Program evaluation, and operationalization of the National Data Repository (NDR) etc.
In the development stage, in 2009ls make provision for mid-term and final reviews. June 2018, the President flagged off the Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS). This is a cross-sectional survey that will ascertain the prevalence of key human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related health indicators. The goal of assessing the survey is to examine the distribution of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease in Nigeria, to assess the coverage and impact of HIV services on the population level, and to measure HIV-related risk behaviors using a nationally-representative sample of persons aged 0-64 years. The midterm review of the NSP in conjunction with the findings and recommendation from the NAIIS aided the reorientation of strategic interventions for the HIV response.
Furthermore, the UNAIDS recently launched the Global AIDS Strategy (GAS) as well as published the political declaration (PD) which places an inequality lens upon the HIV response and renews commitment from policy makers to end AIDS as a global health threat by 2030. Nigeria is significant in the global HIV response, hence cannot be left behind in ensuring that she reorients her successor plans to take into considerations lesson learnt in the implementation of her strategies hence the need to conduct this end term review.
The goal is to review the end-point progress made towards achieving targets in line with the UNAIDS investment framework and the five thematic areas set in the national HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2017-2021 at national and state levels respectively.
Assess the progress made in implementing the NSP and SSPs respectively at the national and state levels pursuant to achieving national and state targets set.
Integrate/evaluate data collection from the DHIS and recommendations from the NAIIS in ensuring the NSP targets set are met.
Identify challenges and constraints that hamper the effective implementation of the NSP at national and SSP at state level;
Identify best practices or success stories and critical emerging issues in each NSP priority areas.
Identify best practices from the implementation of NAIIS that has aided the HIV response.
Identify opportunities for sustainability, service integration as well as local production of ARVs and other commodities.
Review the Global AIDS Strategy, the political declaration as well as the NSF 2021-2025 with the aim of expanding the framework to cater for newly prioritised targets.
Make recommendations and set program/service related priorities that will inform the development of a NSP 2022-2026.
Guiding Principles
Inclusiveness and participation
Result Based
The “Three Ones Principle”
Efficiency and Effectiveness
UNAIDS 95:95:95
’Test and Treat”
GAS and PD
The End Term review will cover the implementation period of 2017-2021 analysing data from the 36+1 states. It will take into consideration most recent studies such as the mode of transmission study (MoT), IBBSS 2020, KP Size Estimates among others. Special emphasis will be placed on gleaning data on inequality, key and vulnerable populations.
The review will provide insight on:
• What services we are providing
• Where we are providing those services
• How we are providing those services (effectiveness and efficiency)
• Who benefits from those services and
• What our priorities are for improving service access
Lead Consultant
Co-Lead Consultant
Terms of Reference for ETR Lead Consultant
Develop and finalize the ETR work plan, guidelines, frameworks, data collection tools and report writing formats.
Provide overall leadership and technical support on the thematic areas throughout the mid-term review the process of planning, data collection and analysis, synthesis of finding, recommendation and report writing.
Facilitates meeting of the TWGs at a national workshop for NSP thematic area working groups on the ETR.
Present findings and recommendations for discussion and validation at a national stakeholders’ validation meeting
Develop ETR report containing finding, recommendations and priorities for the national response.
Use inputs from the stakeholder’s validation meeting to develop a final, clear and concise ETR report that will form the consolidated 2021 NSP ETR report.
Submit a process report on the consultancy highlighting achievements, lessons learned, challenges and recommendations for future exercises.
Terms of Reference for ETR Co-Lead Consultant
Support the Lead Consultant in the development and finalization the ETR work plan, guidelines, frameworks, data collection tools and report writing formats.
Support the provision of overall leadership and technical support on the thematic areas throughout the mid-term review the process of planning, data collection and analysis, synthesis of finding, recommendation and report writing.
Co-facilitate meeting of the TWGs at a national workshop for NSP thematic area working groups on the ETR.
Support the presentation of findings and recommendations for discussion and validation at a national stakeholders’ validation meeting
Support the development of the ETR report containing finding, recommendations and priorities for the national response.
Support the use of inputs from the stakeholders’ validation meeting to develop a final, clear and concise ETR report that will form the consolidated 2021 NSP ETR report.
Support the Lead Consultant submit a process report on the consultancy highlighting achievements, lessons learned, challenges and recommendations for future exercises.
Support and perform any other function as required by the lead consultant.
Lead Consultant Qualifications
Advanced degree in public health, health planning, health economic, social sciences or other related field.
A minimum of 10 years’ experience in planning, management, implementation and evaluation of HIV programs at national and international levels.
Previous experience in leading/supporting the development of National Strategic Framework, the evaluation or the review or HIV/AIDS programmes in a similar context like Nigerian three tiers government system.
Understanding of the HIV/AIDS situation in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Nigeria in particular.
Excellent communication / Writing Skills, and excellent analytical skills
Co- Lead Consultant Qualifications
Advanced degree in public health, health planning, health economic, social sciences or other related field.
A minimum of 8 years’ experience in planning, management, implementation and evaluation of HIV programs at national and/or international levels.
Previous experience in the development of National Strategic Framework, the evaluation or the review or HIV/AIDS programmes in a similar context like Nigerian three tiers government system.
Understanding of the HIV/AIDS situation in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Nigeria in particular.
Excellent communication / Writing Skills and excellent analytical skills
Time frame:
30 working days
While submitting the Technical Proposal, the Applicant shall, in particular, ensure to attach the following:
Profile of the consultant (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the work.
Copies of all certificates for all qualifications indicated in the CV.
Relevant Experience (max 2 page) and relevant supporting document.
Detailed methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines, man days required (3-5 pages).
Recent CV and cover letter
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount (including a breakdown of costs for fee, travel and number of working days). Payments will be made in installments based upon key outputs/deliveries (mentioned under payment schedule above).
The Request for Proposal (RFP) can be downloaded from this link;
The detailed Proposal must be in English Language and submitted in three (3) hard copies each (one original & one duplicate copy) of the requested documents and proposal. The documents shall then be enclosed and sealed in one (1) single outer envelope, and clearly marked at the topmost right corner “Engagment of consultants to review the End term of National Strategic plan” and the Name, Address, Email and Phone Number of the Consultant boldly written at the back of the envelope, with acknowledgement to NACA office at the address below
Deadline for Submission: The deadline for the submission of proposal should not be later than Monday 12 noon of 7th September, 2022. The submission(s) received will be opened immediately after closing at NACA Conference Room in the presence of consultants that choose to attend.
Head Procurement
National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)
Ground Floor Room 1.08
No. 3 Zinguinchor Street, Beside AEDC Office, Wuse zone 4, Abuja
Email: [email protected]
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NACA shall not be held responsible for any disqualified proposal as a result of any omission or deletion relating to the submission guidelines.
This advertisement shall not be construe a contract to any Consultant, nor shall it entitle any Consultant submitting documents to claim any indemnity from NACA.
NACA is not bound to shortlist any Consultant, and reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time without incurring any liabilities or providing reason.