FACT SHEET: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT), 2016

- MTCT accounts for 90% of HIV infections in children
- Nigeria has the highest number of new HIV infections among children (UNAIDS, 2013)
- The PMTCT program started in Nigeria in 2001 in 6 tertiary health facilities
- Goal of the program is to contribute to the reduction of incidence of HIV/AIDS
- The estimated number of pregnant women in the country in 2015 was 6,258,277 (Nigeria Spectrum estimates,2016)
- Estimated number of HIV positive pregnant women in Nigeria in 2015 is 177,993(Nigeria Spectrum estimates,2016)
- Demand creation for PMTCT
- Decentralization of services to primary care level
- Greater private sector involvement in PMTCT service delivery
- Community engagement
- Integration of PMTCT with other Reproductive Health services including Family Planning
- Access to Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) for children of HIV positive mothers
- At least 80% of pregnant women have access to quality HIV testing and counseling by 2015
- At least 80% of all HIV positive pregnant women and HIV exposed infants have access to more efficacious ARV prophylaxis by 2015.
- At least 80% of all HIV exposed infants have access to ARV prophylaxis by 2015.
- At least 80% of HIV positive pregnant women have access to quality infant feeding counseling
- At least 80% of all HIV exposed infants have access to EID services
Source: National Strategic Plan 2010-2015
- Number of health facilities offering PMTCT services- 7265
- Number of first ANC visits by pregnant women – 2,849,867 (representing 46% coverage of the estimated no of pregnant women in 2015)
- Number of pregnant women who were tested for HIV and received results during pregnancy, labour and delivery and post partum period including those with previouly known HIV status – 2,780,867 (representing 45% coverage of the estimated no of pregnant women in 2015)
- Number of pregnant women who tested positive including previously known positives – 75,855 (42.6% of the estimated number of HIV positive pregnant women in 2015)
- Number of HIV positive pregnant women who received ARVs to reduce the risk of mother to child transmission- 53,677 (representing 70.8% of the 75,885 HIV positive women identified in 2015 but 30% of the estimated 177,683 HIV positive pregnant women in 2015)
- Data from the states showed that only one state (Ebonyi) achieved greater than 80% coverage for HCT in PMTCT. 3 states achieved greater than 70% while 4 other states achieved greater than 50% coverage.
- The number of babies born to HIV positive women who had a PCR done within 2 months of birth- 15,897 (29.6% of the 53,677 women who received ARV)