Assessing Nigeria’s Efforts in Ending Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV

By Moses Emorinken
Nigeria is on the fast lane and
in the last mile push for HIV epidemic control, thanks to the human and
financial resources invested over the years, especially in the last four years,
by the federal government and development partners like President’s Emergency
Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Global Fund, the Joint United Nations Programme
on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and others.
As of today, out of 1.9 million people living with HIV in Nigeria, about 1.7
million of them have been placed on life saving antiretroviral therapy (ART).
This represents 90 per cent of the estimated people living with HIV already
identified and placed on treatment.
It is also very encouraging that
the country’s HIV prevalence rate dropped from 5.8 per cent in 2001 to 1.3 per
cent in 2021. Also, there has been a decline in new HIV infections from 103,404
in 2019 to 92,323 in 2021. All these are pointers that the country’s HIV
programme is working. However, one critical area the country is still struggling
with is in the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of the virus.
Despite the country’s
achievements, coverage for PMTCT is less than 50 per cent, leading to about
22,000 cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV every year. Data obtained
from the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) shows that Nigeria has
the highest number of HIV new infections among children globally. One out of
every 7 children born with HIV in the world is born in Nigeria.
This is worrisome as Nigeria,
Africa’s most populous nation accounts for about one-third of all cases of
mother-to-child transmission of HIV globally. If the country is not intentional
and strategic in its interventions towards preventing and ultimately
eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV, all its gains over the years
in reducing new infections could easily be eroded. More importantly, not
bridging the HIV infection gaps among newborns will totally flaw the country’s
efforts towards achieving the United Nations 95-95-95 strategy of ending the
AIDS epidemic by 2030. The strategy includes: 95 per cent diagnosed among all
people living with HIV, 95 per cent on antiretroviral therapy among diagnosed,
and 95 percent virally suppressed among treated.
Therefore, as Nigeria races
towards the UNAIDS target of 2030, new infections must be seen to be on the
decline and eventually tending towards zero. While the government focuses on
preventing new infections among the key populations like female sex workers,
men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs, it must not lose sight
of newborns, especially preventing them from contracting the disease from their
mothers either before or during delivery. Hence, expectant mothers who are HIV
positive must be identified and tested, placed on ART treatment, and virally
suppressed. Most importantly, they must be followed up and encouraged to visit
their preferred hospitals for antenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care.
Among all the taps that need to stop running is the tap of new infections among
newborns. If Nigeria does not halt the transmission among this population, then
it will be very difficult to end AIDS within the 2030 window.
In 2015, former President
Muhammadu Buhari launched the Elimination of Mother-To-Child Transmission
(EMTCT) of HIV initiative at a sideline event of the United Nations General
Assembly. Furthermore, in 2018, the government re-established the National
Treatment and PMTCT programme, significantly strengthening national ownership
of the response. In the same year, UNAIDS appointed Mrs. Aisha Buhari, former
First Lady of Nigeria, as Special Ambassador for EMTCT. All these efforts have
helped the country, to some extent, tackle the menace of HIV infection among
newborns. However, other factors like lack of or inconsistent attendance of
expectant mothers at hospitals for antenatal care and delivery continue to worsen
the problem. Fixing gaps in antenatal care attendance, ART services, and
engaging private hospitals.
Nigeria is presented with a
unique opportunity to biologically end HIV infections for future generations.
If current efforts towards ensuring that more people know their HIV status, are
placed on treatment, and are virally suppressed, are sustained, and special
attention is channeled towards PMTCT, then future generations will not have to
contend with the threatening menace of HIV. As long as more expectant mothers
fail to consistently visit health facilities for their antenatal care and
delivery, even postnatal care, then, it would be hard to ensure that their
unborn children and newborns are HIV-free. It is during antenatal care that
many of these mothers who have HIV can be tested, identified, and placed on
life-saving medications that ensure that the virus does not appear in their
blood, hence it is not passed down to their off-spring. According to the 2021
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) & National Immunization Coverage
Survey (NICS), the national coverage for delivery in health institutions is 49
The situation is worse in rural
areas and further complicated by poverty and ignorance. While institutional
delivery is 74 percent in urban areas, the coverage in rural areas is only 34
percent. Hence a lot needs to be done, as the majority of expectant mothers
across the country still deliver without Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA). All
these expose children to contracting HIV from their mothers who are positive
for the virus.
Therefore, there is an urgent
need to not only encourage pregnant women to visit health facilities, but the
government needs to build the capacity of local and Traditional Birth
Attendants (TBAs) whom these rural women mostly visit for their delivery. The
TBAs can be trained and linked with hospitals where they can send their clients
for HIV testing, childbirth registration, and other health services. Private
hospitals located in rural areas where the government does not have facilities
can be partnered with for free HIV testing and treatment for pregnant women.
In a chat, Dr. Patrick Ezie,
Chief Medical Director of Silver Cross Hospital in Abuja explained that beyond
PMTCT, there is a higher level, which is Elimination of Transmission of
Mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT). According to him, once the country is at
the level of elimination, it means that it has been able to successfully stop
transmission from mother to child.
He said, “It is all about
scale. Inherently in that scale are a lot of health interventions, donor
support, and facility empowerment. How many ART clinics are available in each
state and community, how many pregnant women are tested for HIV, and how many
are put on medications so that they carry their babies for nine months and do
not transmit HIV to their babies? If you have these figures at every centre,
you will be able to know for a fact what the country’s response is like.
“For you to eliminate
mother-to-child transmission, it means that in every facility that has a
pregnant woman that has HIV, we must make sure that the woman is virally
suppressed during pregnancy, and make sure that they follow up the child for
the next 18 months after delivery, and do the relevant tests for that baby to
make sure that the baby does not carry the virus. Therefore, there is a lot of
burden on facilities.
“As a country, we know that
our facilities are not given the kind of support that we would like for them to
have. A lot of the support they are getting comes from donor support. If
tomorrow the donors are not there or the drugs are not available, or for some
reason, the funds that the facility needs to aggressively combat or track a
woman that is HIV positive, they are not getting it, what happens is that you
start having gaps in the treatment programme.”
He added, “There is a
danger. The danger is that if we are not successful in preventing the
transmission of HIV from mother to child, it means that HIV is going to get
into the next generation. That would have been a misstep because it is a vital
point where we would have been able to wrap the epidemic of HIV in the bud in
this generation. “If we prevent transmission into the next generation,
then the virus dies. That is the easiest way to kill the virus. People who
already have the virus will be on medication and can live as long as they can,
then the newborns are not getting the infection. Hence, there won’t be HIV in
that generation.
“If we miss it, we will have
children who are born with HIV, and they carry it to the next generation and
the epidemic continues. Whereas, this would have been a moment to biologically
eradicate HIV as a virus by preventing transmission to the next generation.”
Dr. Celestine Okorie, Executive Secretary, Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria (HERFON),
in an interview, said, “I think the HIV control programme in Nigeria, has
done well because, for a while, the rate was very high. But we have been able
to stabilize it and the rate of infection has been coming down. We need to
sustain the success that has been achieved, which again boils down to political
will, commitment, and funding.”
To guarantee a generation of
HIV-free babies should be the top priority for the Federal Government,
especially now that the country has a new Coordinating Minister of Health and
Social Welfare, Prof. Muhammad Ali Pate, who has a very strong international
experience and record of achieving results in the public health space. About
US$500 million per annum is deployed towards prevention of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
(with a funding shortfall of approximately US$108 Million per annum) and a
significant amount of this funding comes from donor partner agencies. However,
donor fatigue is setting in as the country is on the verge of controlling the
epidemic and taking full ownership of HIV prevention. A shortfall in HIV
programme funding can affect the ability of the country to address the
bottlenecks in PMTCT. Inadequate funding will erode the gains Nigeria has made
over the last 20 years in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Thanks to the timely partnership
between the Federal Government through NACA and the private sector coalition,
the HIV Trust Fund of Nigeria (HTFN) was launched in February last year. The
purpose of the HTFN is to bridge the projected funding shortfalls once the
donor funding begins to exit. The private sector-led N62.1 billion (US$150
Million) Trust Fund, driven by the Nigeria Business Coalition Against
AIDS(NiBUCAA) will ensure a sustainable financing mechanism for the
mobilization and deployment of domestic private sector resources to address
PMTCT in Nigeria.
While this is underway, there is
need for approximate governance and accountability frameworks and processes to
be put in place to ensure that the fund is properly targeted towards addressing
PMTCT and other HIV programme concerns. Dr. Ezie added, “There is a lot
of funding going on, but the problem is that when people donate funds, does the
fund get to the end beneficiaries? Does the money go into the hands of the
people who really understand the problem and are intentional about solving it?”
He said this is the point where the government needs to be very intentional
about funding. “The reason is because donor partners are getting fatigued. So,
any funding that you get must be channeled to those who maximally require that