National Symposium on HIV Prevention Models for Adolescents and Young People in Nigeria: Call for Submissions


In Nigeria, the HIV prevalence among adolescents aged 15–19 is estimated to be 2.9%, while young people aged 20–24 is 3.2%. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reported that 6,479 adolescents aged 10-19 were newly infected with HIV in 2020. Moreover, up to 34.1% of new HIV infections in Nigeria occur among adolescents and young people (AYP).

While there have been efforts to curb new infections among this group, these efforts are either not well documented or widely disseminated, and may not be readily accessible to the stakeholders of the AYP in the national response. This could limit cross-learning and adoption of best practices among the different actors in AYP HIV prevention. To address this gap, NACA wishes to convene a national symposium on HIV prevention models for AYP in Abuja. Various stakeholders will be brought together to share models of HIV prevention services among AYP in Nigeria. A repository of models and best practices will be developed and made accessible to the stakeholders.


The objectives of the symposium are to:

·       Share insights and best practices on HIV prevention models/interventions on AYP programming in Nigeria.

·       Identify innovative HIV prevention models/interventions on AYP that can be scaled-up in Nigeria.

In line with this, NACA calls for submissions from HIV implementing partners, development partners, civil society organizations, young people networks/organizations and academia.


Submissions will focus on adolescents and young people (15 to 24 years), and should be submitted according to any of the following tracks.

·       Access to prevention services: biomedical, mental health interventions, etc.

·       Socio-behaviour change and demand creation interventions.

·       Structural interventions: geared at addressing gender and human rights, economic empowerment, improving policy environment, etc.

Format for Submission

All submissions should be in one-document and should have the following sections:

Title Page:

·        Title of the submission (in title case)


  • Presenters/contributors details: Surname and initials e.g., Emmanuel A. O. etc.
  • Name and address of institution/project/affiliation
  • Contact person’s email and phone number

Summary Page (Maximum of 250 words):

·       Background/Introduction: statement about the problem that the model/intervention seeks to address.

·       Description of the model/intervention (please use the questions below as a guide)

a.      What is done?

b.     Who does it?

c.      How is it done?

d.      Where is it done?

e.      Who is reached?

·       Results: state the achievements in terms of

       People reached and

       Objectives met (behaviour change, service uptake, policy change, e.t.c.)

·       Conclusion: a statement on whether or not the model/intervention solved the problem.

Body of the submission (Maximum of 1000 words)

·       Background/Introduction: a description of the rationale for the model/intervention.

·       Description of the model/intervention: what is being done, who is doing it, how is it being done, where is it being done, and who are the beneficiaries.

·       Results/accomplishments: the results should include the intervention’s output, outcome, or impact (include data as well as tables and charts).

·       Challenges: barriers that limited the implementation or results of the intervention and how they were or can be addressed.

·       Lessons learned: positive and or negative experiences which should be taken into consideration when implementing the model/intervention to ensure or improve performance.

·       Conclusions: a final judgement on the extent to which the model/intervention solved the problem.


·       Recommendations.

Note: All accepted submissions will be published in the conference book of proceedings on the NACA website.

Word Limit: not be more than 1,250 words, including the summary.

Font: Arial, size 12, and 1.15 spacing.


Ensure to check the document with the system’s preview function before submission, and edit or replace as necessary.


Document Format: Microsoft Office Word document format (.docx or .doc).

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